Thursday, August 20, 2009

Frist Day of 2nd grade!

Karson just started the 2nd grade! Wow, time sure flies! I'm so excited for him to grow and learn throughout his years. It was a pretty hard day for me. I wanted to walk him to class give him a big kiss and take pictures every step of the way. But...He wanted to do it himself. (sniff, sniff) I'm super impressed with his ability to do things independently. Karson has a lot of confidence in himself. I follow in that way of thinking, but it's still a little hard! I am so proud of Karson, what an honor it is for me of all people to be his mother! I love you Karson!


Jo Benson said...

It is hard to see them so grown up, they do need Mom's more than ever, but they don't think so. He is so cute and you are a great Mom.

cathy said...

Oh my gosh....He is such a little stud. What a wonderful young man he is. We are all so proud of our Karson.
I love you Karson,