Saturday, July 12, 2008

Swimming Lessons Have Ended....

Taylor will take another year of level two. She's doing really well but needs some more work floating on her back.

Karson passed off level 2 in swim lessons. Ya gotta love the goggles they ROCK!! He doesn't swim without them. I think it's because one he can see under water and two it plugs his nose for him.

This is the BEST!! Hailee didn't like to go under the water with her face but she ware the goggles the whole time in swim lessons. Andrea took them off her and she had a ring around her eyes from being suctioned cupped to her face! So Funny!!

Karson and Taylor were able to take lessons with their cousins Cooper and Hailee this year which was much more fun!

Karson and Cooper doing tricks while they jump in the water.